This is a prototype of the optical heartrate sensors we’re using for the 2019 revision of the project. The elctrostatic sensor never quite worked well enough to be satisfactory. Lots of gaff tape and wires, but dig that signal strength and feedback!
Creators of As One, an interactive, biofeedback driven flame installation
This is a prototype of the optical heartrate sensors we’re using for the 2019 revision of the project. The elctrostatic sensor never quite worked well enough to be satisfactory. Lots of gaff tape and wires, but dig that signal strength and feedback!
A few selected images from Burning Man –
A few selected images from Critical –
This is what we’re submitting to the FAST teams for both events. The formal submission will have a lot more detail given as supplementary prose, but this shows enough detail to get a good idea of the thing.
Things are coming along!
Just in from Gabriel, these drafts of the pantograph he has building. Parts buy for this has begun, which is very exciting!
Current plan is to use RESTful HTTP everywhere, but we may end up going with MQTT or something else entirely for the nodes. Arrowheads represent data push direction – i.e. the lighting and flame effect microcontrollers are display-only.
Spending more time in front of a spreadsheet than a soldering iron lately, getting the budget and build timeline put together for our grant proposals. The BRC Honoraria proposal is due in a few days, and the CNW proposal deadline is a few weeks after.
Here is a picture of a lot of ink and post-its :-)
Used speaker wire, spade connectors, and a ton of solder to attach two pipe lengths to the electrode pickups on the ECG board. The photo has a certain chaotic battleground feel, but the test itself was successful 👍
Here is the final (?) circuit diagram for the console. It shows the isolator as well as the motor and lamp outputs. The build will have two of these connected to the same Raspberry Pi, which will be responsible for matching the BPM, showing the console output, and triggering the flame effect.